Welcome to my slice of the internet!
I've been feeling increasingly uncomfortable on the "modern web" these days with social networks like facebook becoming more and more hostile. a while ago i made the decision to delete facebook and honestly, my life has been better for it. still, i miss being able to post my various rants and hobbies to the wider world.
i guess that's where this lil' website of mine comes in!
i want this to be my little oasis of internet content where i can share whatever i'm up to without being drowned out by a larger crowd but still (hopfully) engaging with a wider like-minded community!
I know it's a little ugly and i definitely know it could be programmed a lot better but this is my first ever attempt at making a website, so it's gonna be a bit of a jouney to "git gud"
Needless to say, literally everything on this site is under construction. nothing looks or works as intended but hopfully one day i'll get there and have a kickass site!